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American Independent Music Creator Community Reacts to Potential Re-designation of the MLC and DLC

May 30, 2024

The Songwriters Guild of America, the Society of Composers and Lyricists and Music Creators North America submitted comments to the United States Copyright Office regarding the re-designation of the Music Licensing Collective and the Digital Licensee Coordinator.

The submission sets forth the conditions necessary for support of the re-designation/re-certification of the current MLC and DLC. It highlights that the music creator community relies on the close, careful and equitable oversight of the MLC by the United States Copyright Office.  So the SGA, SLC and MCNA requests that there be robust oversight by the Copyright Office. And that there be an independent technologies and efficiencies analytics firm to analyze and evaluate the current hardware, software, systems and procedures of the MLC. 

The organizations are also asking for more transparency and communication as well as voluntary constraints on market share distributions with their groups. And lastly, they request support for congressional changes to the MLC. 

All of this is detailed in the comments found here.