"Fair Use Industries” is Google's spin to cover its predatory practices against creators

Google Uses "Fair Use Industries" to Avoid Paying Songwriters
The Songwriters Guild of America has joined Chris Castle in filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in support of Oracle America which is suing Google over alleged copyright violation stemming from Google's use of Java APIs.
The brief asserts that Google's ever-expanding definition of 'fair use' is nothing more than an attempt to use the work of creators while avoiding paying for these works (despite how these used works expand Google's multi-billion-dollar profit base).
"This suit, brought by Oracle, is fighting for the ability of programmers and other creators to make a living wage from their work," stated SGA President Rick Carnes. "Giants like Google cry 'fair use' when they'd prefer not to pay for something and then try to use their considerable power to codify this excuse for non-payment into the language of law. And it's not just bigger businesses who are affected by copyright infringement. Indie creators are having their copyrights violated but they don't have the financial resources to fight giants like Google and others. That's why the suit brought by Oracle is so important to all types of creators. It's also why the CASE Act is so important. The CASE Act allows indie creators to sue -- in a Copyright Small Claims Court -- those who have used their work without pay or permission."
Download here the entire text of the amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court by Chris Castle and the SGA.