YOU'RE IN PERFORMANCE FEEDBACKIf you're promoting your own music (and everyone should be), then you know the value of a video. Want feedback on yours? Our in-resident filmmaker guy (Scott) will offer professional advice (he's worked on Academy Award-winning films) on your performance or narrative video.If you'd like to leave feedback for your peers, please remember to use the golden rule!Having trouble posting? Here's our five-step instruction sheet.Have other questions? No problem. Contact an...
Howard Yeung is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Joseph Quaill is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Jon Landers is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Chuck Gillispie is friends with Nathan McGuire
Laurie S. is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Matt Hathaway is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Rodney Aleshire is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Matthew Busa is friends with Chuck Gillispie
Chuck Gillispie is friends with Craig Thompson