YOU'RE IN THE COLLABORATE GROUP This is the place to find co-writers, musicians, lyricists, mentors, those who might have studio time, equipment advice and more!A caution: contact information should always be shared in private message.Instructions for opening a discussion and posting files can be found here.Still have questions? No problem. Contact an admin -- we're here to help!1. Scott Porterfield2. Laurie Stevens
YOU'RE IN MUSIC PROMOTIONThe Internet has changed many industries -- especially music. And while rampant piracy has hurt record sales and caused publishers and record labels to constrict and merge -- leaving fewer publishing opportunities -- the Internet has also allowed for more self publishing options. This is an option chosen by plenty of creative types. But until the money begins coming in, self publishing generally also means jumping into self promotion.In this group, we encourage members...
Matthew Busa is friends with Patricia Lott
Jon Landers is friends with Patricia Lott
Creativity comes in all kinds. No limits in the musical Rollercoaster.. This group is for all aspects of the music world. I want to widen my knowledge and style.. I enjoy all types of music. This is a place where collaborations happen and musical bonds are made.
Joseph Quaill is friends with Patricia Lott
James Porterfield is friends with Patricia Lott